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Epoxy Flooring and Pool Deck Resurfacing Blogs

Apr 28, 2022

Epoxy 101: Learn the Facts About Epoxy Floor Coating


While there are numerous materials on the market for flooring, epoxy has become increasingly popular in recent years for a number of reasons. Despite this, many people are unaware of exactly what epoxy is and what it can be used for. In this article, we'll provide a brief overview of epoxy floors so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not they're right for your home or business. What Is Epoxy? Epoxy is a type of resin that is created by combining two different chemicals. When these chemicals are mixed together, they create a strong adhesive [...]

Epoxy 101: Learn the Facts About Epoxy Floor Coating2025-02-12T13:31:07+00:00
Apr 18, 2022

Top 10 Facts About Basement Epoxy Flooring


Many home and business owners across the United States are now turning their basements into beautiful and functional living spaces. Along with the traditional wood or concrete flooring options, epoxy flooring is becoming a popular choice for basement floors. However, there are many misconceptions about epoxy flooring, especially when it comes to basements. This article will cover the basics of epoxy flooring and dispel some of the myths about this type of flooring. What is Epoxy? Epoxy is a resin made from a combination of two ingredients: a curative agent and a hardening agent. When these two agents are [...]

Top 10 Facts About Basement Epoxy Flooring2025-02-12T13:31:35+00:00
Apr 15, 2022

Top 6 Misconceptions About Installing an Epoxy Coating


If you've considered installing an epoxy floor in your home or business but have been deterred by myths and misconceptions, it's time to set the record straight. In this article, we'll provide valuable information on epoxy flooring and dispel the most common misconceptions about this type of surface. What is Epoxy Flooring? Epoxy flooring is a type of floor coating made from a mixture of epoxy resin and hardener. Epoxy floors are known for their durability, chemical resistance, and slip resistance. This type of flooring is typically used in commercial and industrial settings but can also be used in residential [...]

Top 6 Misconceptions About Installing an Epoxy Coating2025-02-12T13:32:19+00:00
Jun 30, 2019

Tips And Tricks To Maintain Epoxy Flooring


Tips you should know: So you've finally made the switch to the amazing epoxy flooring or maybe you are doing research before you decide to make the switch to an epoxy flooring system. There is one very important thing you must know about epoxy flooring and that is that the maintenance on this flooring is crucial to how long the epoxy flooring is going to last. Don't let this scare you though, the maintenance on epoxy flooring is incredibly simplistic. We will always urge you not to let the simplicity of the maintenance let you push it off. Heavy [...]

Tips And Tricks To Maintain Epoxy Flooring2025-02-12T13:37:20+00:00
Jun 28, 2019

The Most Common Types Of Epoxy Flooring


In the expansive realm of epoxy flooring, a diverse array of types and applications await exploration. Epoxy flooring proves to be a versatile solution, finding relevance wherever concrete is present or can be poured. The mantra resonates: wherever there's concrete, epoxy flooring can enhance and protect. Let's delve into this intriguing domain, unraveling the top applications and types prevailing in the contemporary world.Garage Floor Epoxy:Among the most prevalent applications, garage floor epoxy stands out. Garages, often subjected to harsh conditions, benefit immensely from the resilience offered by epoxy flooring. Transforming a potentially grim space, epoxy ensures durability proven to bolster [...]

The Most Common Types Of Epoxy Flooring2023-11-18T12:23:08+00:00
Jun 26, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Epoxy Flooring


While epoxy flooring is one of the top flooring options available on the market today for both commercial and residential purposes, the good has to come with some bad. While the pros of epoxy flooring outweigh the cons of epoxy flooring by metric tons, they are still there and must be noted. Today we are going to take a close look into the pros and cons of the epoxy flooring system. Pro- Durability Epoxy flooring is possibly the strongest flooring option available on the market having been tested and proven to make a concrete slab up to 300 percent stronger [...]

Pros And Cons Of Epoxy Flooring2023-11-18T12:25:50+00:00
Jun 25, 2019

Are Epoxy Flooring Systems Safe?


In the world of flooring solutions, epoxy flooring has long been subject to rumors regarding its safety, sparking concerns about its use in both residential and commercial settings. Today, we aim to dispel the myths surrounding epoxy flooring's safety and explore its merits as a secure and environmentally friendly choice. Debunking the Slippery Surface Myth: A prevalent misconception about epoxy flooring revolves around its perceived slipperiness, especially when wet or soiled. This notion stems from the glossy and seamless appearance of epoxy surfaces. Contrary to popular belief, under standard conditions, epoxy flooring provides impressive traction due to its natural [...]

Are Epoxy Flooring Systems Safe?2025-02-13T12:10:03+00:00
Jun 23, 2019

Benefits Of Epoxy Flooring


Deciding to switch to an epoxy flooring system opens up a treasure trove of advantages that can transform your living or working space. Epoxy flooring isn't just about having a shiny surface; it's a robust solution that can stand the test of time. In this detailed exploration, we'll break down the key benefits of choosing an epoxy flooring system, offering a thorough understanding of why it's a popular choice for both residential and commercial spaces.Durability Beyond Compare: A Floor that LastsThe standout feature of epoxy flooring is its unparalleled durability. It's like the superhero of floors, capable of enduring a [...]

Benefits Of Epoxy Flooring2023-11-18T12:39:13+00:00